Weekly Challenge: Hire Yourself!

If someone shone a light in your face in the middle of the night and asked you, “What do you want to photograph the most?!” What would you say? Ok, after a few select four letter swearwords, what would you say?

I would say, “WOMEN!” I love to photograph women. I love all things feminine: curved lines, smooth skin, bright smiles. I love to create images of women from the same positive and glowing perspective that I would want for myself.

I believe this it is why I love shooting weddings so much. I love the soft details, the flowing gowns, the long eyelashes, the perfect makeup, the curled locks, the flowers, the monochromatic dresses, flowing veils, and most of all, the romantic nature of it all – the love between two souls. Flowers and love and beauty. Gaaahh! I guess I am a bit of a girly girl after all.

So I hired myself.

I hired myself to conduct a project in which I was both 1. the client, 2. the creative director and 3. the photographer! A glorious recipe in which I possessed full creative control!! Weeeeooo!!

I highly recommend that you hire yourself as a photographer from time to time. The freedom is liberating, the pressure is low, and the harmonious results will yield your best work!

The project was to complete a style guide for my clothing boutique, ELLA. The idea was to feature REAL and RELATABLE women from the local community who are also real customers of the boutique. My wish was to capture them in their natural habitats. I believe the results were win-win-win for myself, the clothing boutique and the photo subjects themselves.

So here’s your weekly challenge: Commission yourself this week. Complete a shoot that is just for you, you are the client + the service provider. What will it be? Who will you collaborate with? Share the results using the hashtag #selfhiredphotog

See the entire guide here.

Or checkout #womenofsaintjohn on instagram.