The Best Wedding Gift for the Groom, and Five Reasons Why

As if you don’t already have enough on your plate with all the wedding planning, but now you need to think about what gift you will give him on your wedding day!? But, would gifting him with a ring and planting a kiss make him all elated? His friends that walk him through the aisle, too, trigger the joy within. From groomsmen watches to personalized champagne glasses, options to gift the groomsmen are many. The reason to your smile would be his smiling face, so don’t rush with it; make it special.

Well, Ms. {{last_name}}, I have the PERFECT gift idea for you, and I want to let you in on a little secret, lean in close: 

It’s actually a gift for you in disguise as a gift for him!

No, no, it’s not a new pair of Christian Louboutins. It’s a boudoir shoot – and here is why everything about this gift idea is a win-win scenario.

1.) It will make you feel amazing!

It is not every day that you get pampered with professional hair and makeup. And when is the last time you have photos of just yourself? I promise that working with a professional photographer allows for coaching you into flattering poses! So don’t give me the excuse of needing to lose a few pounds! Heck, no. 

2.) It will boost your confidence 

Doing something so intimate for yourself, er, I mean HIM, is the best kind of therapy for a dreary attitude and diminished self-esteem The experience will make you feel like you can conquer the world. And by the way, you are beautiful! So show your beauty! And give yourself a confidence boost. You will love every minute of it, and taking this opportunity to get comfy with the camera will not be awash on your wedding day either!

3.) It is a way to document this milestone

A boudoir shoot is a perfect way to celebrate this time in your life. How you looked, how you felt, your love for your partner. How he feels about you. What he sees when he looks at you. This special time when your relationship was just beginning. An opportunity to augment the memories associated with the time in your life when you were married.

4.) He’ll probably love it way more than you do

Imagine the surprise on his face when he opens a book of stunning images of the woman he loves the very most in this world and is about to marry. He already thinks you are the most beautiful thing! Even on your worst days. But when you retire the joggers for the day and slide into something he doesn’t get to see you in every day. Well, I can promise, you will be picking his jaw up off the floor.

5.) But it really is a gift for you (I won’t tell)

It is really unfortunate that comparison is the thief of love. But for a woman, it is our reality! It is sometimes a tough thing to embrace our beauty. Once you see the photos, you will realize how beautiful you are! And this little gift to yourself will serve as a keepsake for those dark days when you need a little boost. Win-win.

I love taking boudoir photos. If you want to set that up – please feel free to hit reply to this email. And if you don’t contact me, that’s TOTALLY ok! Above everything, find a photographer whose work you love and please do this for YOU, I mean HIM. I mean YOU. Either way, do this and you will BLOW HIM AWAY.

Let’s Connect!

Kelly xox