The best photo editing advice I can give you

No one ever told you being a photographer meant spending hours upon hours in sweatpants in front of your computer screen, editing, adjusting and tweaking your images. 

Can I keep it real with you guys? 

My best editing advice is – drumroll – do as little as possible. That’s right. My top editing tip is to avoid it. 

OK, that’s a TAD overstating the situation.

Challenge Yourself.

But, seriously, challenge yourself to get the best shot at your shoot. You’ll improve a million times faster. Plus, you’ll dial back the frustration meter/creativity killer that feeds on hours in front of the ol’ monitor. 

And y’know what else? It’s really hard to fix a weak shot. No amount of editing is going to bring blur into focus. As that adorable, bearded guy from the first season of ‘Queer Eye’ said, “You can’t fix ugly.”

 So true, bearded guy. So very true. 

Now, don’t get me wrong. I know your shots aren’t ugly. I see your talent, budding like mad. 

It’s just that, instead of massive renovation, think of editing like makeup: a lil tweak or touchup that makes everything look fresh and good, without announcing itself. 

And if we’re talkin’ edits, can I lob you another truth bomb?

Be aware, wary, even of photo trends.

Like movie vampires, they are seductive as hell. But, also like movie vampires, they can be more than a little dangerous. 

Trends pass – FAST.

As I’ve mentioned in recent posts, getting your own personal style mojo going means transcending what’s cool this quarter. You want to build a deep, durable expression of you. 

So, for starters, a gift.

I want you to have your life back. To give you a little boost, I’m GIVING you my top four lightroom editing presets for FREE! No adjusting, no tweaking, just one click and away you go! Here they are ->

download free lightroom presets

Now get on out there and start taking some amazing pics, you glorious creature. Feeling a little overwhelmed? Worry not. Come and join me in my super-fun beginner photography class. It will have you mastering your fancy cam in no time.beginner photography online course