With Doris Fullgrabe
Do you know your personality type?
The internet is full of personality tests of all types. Knowing your personality type is more than just fun, it can be incredibly useful in your everyday life and business. Understanding why you behave and think the way you do will help you optimize your own productivity and effectiveness.
Today’s guest, Doris Fullgrabe, is a Myers-Briggs®Master Practitioner, an accredited coach, and licensed to facilitate a number of other psychological type models. After 10 years in leadership development and preparing expat couples for their international assignments, she now works with individuals, business owners, and couples who want to feel more connected to themselves and each other.
I love personality tests and I can’t wait to dig into this fun and interesting topic with Doris to learn how to make your personality work for you.
In this episode, Doris talks about:
- How Doris came to be a Myers-Briggs master practitioner. 2:19
- An introduction to personality foundations – what are they and how they can help you as an entrepreneur. 3:53
- How understanding your personality type can be used as a tool to help your clients. 6:16
- Different personality tests and their scope, why Myers Briggs is different. 8:54
- Demystifying personality type acronyms. 14:25
- Changes in personality and developing as a well rounded person. 16:54
- Societal expectations and how they shape our perceptions of ourselves… and why they are often wrong. 21:45
- Digging deeper – Questions that entrepreneurs can ask themselves. 25:01
- Outline of Myers-Briggs personality types and key entrepreneurial traits. 34:15
- Personality types and trails. 36:24
- Recognizing personality based stress triggers and tips on dealing with them. 43:03
You already know what’s right for you. Honor your preferences. You’re in business for yourself because you want to do it your way. So don’t get distracted by how other people do. There’s, I think it was Roosevelt who said, comparison is the thief of joy. So go with your energy because life is hard enough right now, do the stuff that you like, Know thyself, love thyself, and the rest is gravy.
Doris Fullgrabe
I have the tab open right now to sign up for Doris’s course and I have her free resource bookmarked. I am totally going to take her up on that discovery call too!
I love how she approaches this topic like your personality is your superpower that can be used to our advantage. Her tips are practical and you can implement them today and see a real difference in your personal and professional life.
Knowing yourself intimately and using that knowledge to leverage your strengths will help you honor your preferences which is the whole reason you became an entrepreneur…right?
I hope that you enjoyed this episode, thank you so much for joining us today, and until next week workshop warriors, let that personality of yours shine so bright you’ll need UV protection. Ok. That was lame. Until next week my friend.
Connect with Doris:
Coaching – www.dorisfullgrabe.com
Couples Premarital Prep – www.yourloveprofiles.com
Mentioned in this episode:
Personality Type Self Discovery – Find Your Best Fit Pattern
Youtube – Self Discovery Best Fit Mindset
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Click here for the transcribed version of this podcast.