
workshop warrior!


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The Workshop Weekly Podcast is a show where no dream is too big. Around here, we believe that taking imperfect action rules, so we’re creating space for you to dive in and fast track your success, one workshop at a time. Now, refill your coffee cup, grab your notebook and get ready to join in on your weekly training, listen to meaningful conversations and learn from industry experts. 

Favourite Episodes

Make This Mindset Shift, Live the Life of your Dreams.

No Money? No Problem! Dreamy PR Coverage Doesn't Have to Cost a Thing.

It Starts with Self-Love. Learn How to Radically Love Your Body Here.

What made the cut? The Process: OK you guys, this took forever to put together but a lot of you wanted to see my 28 piece collection, so here it is!  You’ll notice the majority of the pieces are neutral colours. This is on purpose! I stuck to a colour palette of black, white, blue, pink, […]

If there’s one lesson that the universe has taught me, it’s that it’s perfectly okay to not have your proverbial sh*t together. It is so darn easy to get caught up in the facade, and believe that everyone around you has it all figured out based on what you see and the narrative you create […]

She was the rescue mutt that stole our hearts when we weren’t looking for a pet, and he was our life’s most wonderful and magical surprise. There is nothing that makes my heart explode harder than to witness the bond between these two beautiful souls. Appledog teaches him about boundaries, patience, compassion and the undeniable […]

My good friend used to have these things called “mental health days” where she would stay home and just rest instead of working. I never really understood that, until now. I totally suck at resting. I hate feeling like I am unproductive or wasting time and I have a tendency to create an additional list […]

This week I was reminded of the teamwork of marriage. The past few days were packed with evening work commitments, parenting woes, anxiety, swimming lessons, and piano lessons. It felt like we were handing off the baton to one another as we got our work done, ran from place to place, tackled appointments, washed dishes, […]

Motherhood is hard. It’s definitely the hardest job I’ve ever had. From the very beginning, it was intensely painful, physically demanding, emotionally and mentally exhausting. You trade in the body and the freedom that you once had for stretch marks and a strict schedule. You kiss a simple shower and going to the bathroom alone […]

These girls, standing on the sidelines cheering each other on, forming a tribe for the other to fall back on when life gets tricky, inviting brokenness, showing up as cheerleaders (not critics), celebrating the others’ success and filling each other’s cups to the absolute brim with unconditional love and support. I spent a week with […]

I was like a kid on Christmas morning when the latest issue of The Maritime Edit had arrived in our mailbox. I couldn’t wait to get home and read that thing from start to finish. This magazine is an incredible resource for east coast Canadians and fans of the east coast of Canada. Inside you’ll see […]

It’s my birthday today. And while it seems like each year they come faster and faster, I feel more and more love and gratitude with each passing year. Every year on my birthday I sit and reflect. When I think back on my 38th trip around the sun, it was a true catalyst towards what’s […]

I woke up Thursday morning with a wine headache, again. This time I finally decided that something needed to change. The dialogue in my head went something like this: It’s the middle of the work week. How weak and pathetic are you? And thus began my commitment to myself to abstain from any form of […]