The Workshop Weekly Podcast is a show where no dream is too big. Around here, we believe that taking imperfect action rules, so we’re creating space for you to dive in and fast track your success, one workshop at a time. Now, refill your coffee cup, grab your notebook and get ready to join in on your weekly training, listen to meaningful conversations and learn from industry experts.
Make This Mindset Shift, Live the Life of your Dreams.
No Money? No Problem! Dreamy PR Coverage Doesn't Have to Cost a Thing.
It Starts with Self-Love. Learn How to Radically Love Your Body Here.
Let’s talk about it! In this broadcast I cover: What The Bandaid Effect is and why you need to avoid it at all costs (2:18) WHY most people struggle with product photography – HINT: it is not the device (2:53) The FOUR most important types of lighting you need to understand (5:04) THREE THINGS you […]
Guest Mark Hemmings, Author of iPhone Photography for Dummies, 2020 Have you ever stumbled across someone’s work and just felt awestruck by it? For me, this is what happened when I found the work of Mark Hemmings about thirteen years ago. He is a magician with photography, with a timeless, real, and raw approach. Recently, […]
Taking great product photos isn’t a task just for big brands anymore! In the digital age of online influence, every business, be it micro-influencers, travel bloggers, small businesses, restaurants, independent producers or retail store owners, taking great product photos is an increasingly valuable skillset inside of any organization, to decorate your resume with, or to […]
Do you find yourself “borrowing” friends, family and assorted loved ones for mad-dash, spur-of-the-moment shoots when you have five minutes to spare, or the light looks right? But then, when you get to the beach or wherever you’re shooting, you have no idea what to do with them? Maybe your models look stilted. Perhaps the […]
STEP ONE: SETTING UP YOUR SHOOT For photography, nothing compares to natural light. To make the most of it when photographing your product, you will want to set up a lightbox. This can be as simple as 4 pieces of white foam core board, a table, and a window. To make your lightbox to use […]
Have you ever been struggling with a product photoshoot, and tried sticking a succulent in the shot, because that’s what everyone on Instagram seems to be doing? Cute little cacti are the Hail Mary pass of product photography. Add a potted plant and hope for the best, right? No judgement. I get it. Hell, I’ve […]
You’ve got the photo you snapped of said product. And that’s where it falls apart. Your shot is dark and dull. The background is hazy, maybe shadows are messing with your vision. And your product just looks, well, flat. In short, there’s no way in hell you’d consider sharing that image online. And you’re feeling […]
If you master only one type of product photography, make it the flat lay. Whether you’re a chef, artisan, entrepreneur or other hustling creative, if you make and sell a physical thing, the flat lay is your new best friend. (Um, Kelly, what the heck’s a flat lay?) If you’ve been on the interwebs, you […]
It is no secret that photography is probably the most powerful selling tool in today’s internet age. We already know that over 90% of consumers admit to making a purchase decision based on a photo alone (guilty!). And here’s the thing, I hate to be the one to break it to ya, but no one […]
Have you ever spent an hour – or a morning or, eeek, the better part of a day – doing a photo session only to look at the resulting pics and want to cry? Or maybe scream? Maybe you never even shared those photos because they were nowhere near the quality of your brand and […]